ATLANTA, Nov. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- nView Health will be hosting leading behavioral health experts for a panel discussion on December 8 from 4:00–5:00 EDT.
The program will be moderated by Dr. Tom Young, a board-certified family physician, and the chief medical officer and founder of nView Health. nView is the premier provider of evidence-based behavioral health solutions.
"Measurement-based care in mental healthcare is vastly underutilized, even though it has long been considered a standard of care for mental health providers," says Dr. Young. "By bringing together these impressive panelists for this program, we will further shine a light on the importance of measurement-based care and outcome measurement in behavioral health. In addition, we hope to help healthcare providers take advantage of the ample opportunities that exist for achieving improvement around measurement-based care in behavioral health to deliver significant benefits to patients, providers, and payers."
To learn more and register, click here.
Media interested in covering the event or interviewing panelists following the program should email Please identify who you would like to interview and provide the name of the media outlet, article topic, and deadline.
About nView Health
nView Health is the premier provider of evidence-based software and solutions used by research organizations and healthcare professionals around the world to help them identify, treat, and monitor mental health disorders, a critical requirement for measurement-based care. nView is the worldwide exclusive licensee for a broad array of behavioral health screening solutions, structured interviews, and post-diagnosis severity measurement scales to monitor patient outcomes. To learn more, please visit or follow nView Health on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Media Contact:
Holly Wilson
To view the online press release, click HERE.